Anything can be art.

The Power of Generative AI

For us, BLOOMIN8 is more than just an AI frame; it's an invitation to explore your creative side. Just as many people discovered their talent for photography once they had a professional-quality camera in their pocket, like the iPhone, we believe that the tool is never the limit to our imagination—it simply helps us uncover the best within ourselves. The process of self-discovery is what truly matters, and generative AI opens endless doors for everyone to express themselves in new ways like never before.

Meet the Team

The journey began in 2023 when we launched our first smart home product, the Arpobot Smart Shade, on Kickstarter. Our passion for both technology and art continued with BLOOMIN8. Along the way, we had a moment of realization:

"The Medium is the Message"

This project is becoming something bigger—a movement, a new form of art shaped by technology. The digital frame isn't just a display; it's a new way to present art and engage with creativity.

Because of this, we're more determined than ever to bring BLOOMIN8 to life and continually make it better.